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Running Cromwell on AWS/Batch
- Posted: 2018-11-21.

Parallel mysql myisam repair
- Posted: 2018-11-21.

Does a TKI like Crizotinib kill tumor cells ?
- Posted: 2018-10-28.

Save Spotify to flac or mp3
- Posted: 2018-07-14.

Replace all symlinks by the original file
- Posted: 2018-03-02.

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All Entries On Installation

A total of 6 entries were found. Click on the titles to read the posts.

  • Install CPAN modules only if not yet present (2011-06-16 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    I needed a way to check if a certain CPAN module is present on the system/path, before installing the module again. This way I wanted to prevent that newer versions of mdoles were installed by an i...

  • DRMAA using Perl and Torque/PBS (2011-11-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    I recently got the perl wrapper for DRMAA from Tim Harsch working with a torque/pbs cluster. Most of the functionality had worked for a longer time, but I couldn\'t get the DRMAA_NATIVE_SPECIFICATI...

  • Fetch ProFTPd users from mysql on ubuntu 10.04 LTS (2012-11-14 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Download Proftpd

    ~$ wget
    ~$ tar xzvf proftpd-1.3.4b.tar.gz
  • Creating GATK VQSR plots (2013-05-15 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    GATK provides nice plots on the gaussian distributions used by the variant quality recalibration tool. 


    However, coverting the R-scripts to the actual pdf plots proved n...

  • Automate CPAN module installations (2016-12-06 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    1. Problem

    • You have an installation script that needs to install several cpan modules
    • You don\'t want to stick around to wait for user input : [yes] 
    • Running Cromwell on AWS/Batch (2018-11-21 - Geert Vandeweyer)

      Cromwell is one of the widely used workflow managers used in bioinformatics to run NGS analysis pipelines. Based on the WDL workflow language, it supports runnings tasks as regular scripts or as co...